
Your Child's Health & Welfare

Your Child's Health & Welfare

As a school we are wholly committed to the health and well-being of your child, We believe in the mantra – Healthy Body, Healthy Mind.

Wherever a child has a health or medical need, then we will want to work closely with parents to meet these needs. We maintain detailed Class Pupil Welfare Registers which are regularly update. The register includes information on pupil medical needs & conditions within each class. If your child has a specific health issue, medical condition or allergy that could require support/intervention in school, e.g. epilepsy, allergy to penicillin, hearing loss etc, then we ask parents to let the school know so he/she can be added to the register and to then continue to engage with the school should circumstances change.

If the condition or allergy is deemed medically significant, then we are required to compile an Individual Care Plan & to collate this information into our Acute Medical Register, which will include a photograph of your child, GP details & emergency contact details. This register, with parental permission, will be on view for staff & volunteers to read.

It is important for parents to know that the school can only administer medication to pupils following consultation with them. With any other prescribed medication, parents must complete an Administration of Medication Form available at the school office, authorising a member of staff to administer the medication on their behalf. All medication must be clearly named and the dosage must be specified. The school cannot accept responsibility if any dosage of medication is missed. Class teachers and/or support staff will supervise any child taking his/her asthma medication.

We place a great emphasis on high levels of pupil attendance and punctuality. Ideally we would love to see every child in school every day but we know that that is not possible. All of our children will be poorly at some time and sometimes they will become poorly at school. If a child exhibits symptoms that cause concern in relation to him/her or our pupils as a whole, then the school will advise parents that a child is not well enough to be in school. We ask that parents do not take umbrage or offence if we have to contact them during the working day to ask them to collect their child.

If a child is not well enough to take part in sports, then parents must notify the school of this circumstance. We cannot accept a child’s explanation. If a child were missing regular sports lessons, then the school would have to discuss the matter with parents. Children will not be supervised indoors at playtimes if they are reported to us as being “unwell”.

We are part of Cornwall’s Healthy Schools Scheme. We are wholly committed to the physical, social and emotional well-being of all our pupils. We believe that by actively investing in our staff and pupils’ health, we are supporting the process of raised levels of pupil attainment and improving standards. We work hard to create a physical and social environment that is conducive to learning and development. We expect and rely on pupil and parental support to maintain our healthy school initiatives:

* Pupils having their water bottles in school on a daily basis to ensure ready access to drinking water throughout the school day.

* Pupils taking part in PE, sports and daily physical activity, like the Huff Puff lunchtime scheme, to promote regular daily exercise and social interaction.

* Pupils having fruit only as a breaktime snack.

* Pupils making positive, informed and healthy choices about schools meals and packed lunches.

* Pupils participating fully in the school’s programme of extra-curricular activities


As part of our commitment to our pupils’ welfare, we operate a Pupil Welfare Group in school which meets weekly to discuss a wide range of welfare issues. Our primary aim is to be positive, proactive and preventative.

We work in partnership with parents to help your child to achieve their full potential. If we have any concerns as to a child’s welfare, we will endeavour to be as open and honest with you as we possibly can and to meet with you to discuss the matter. We would ask that parents do not take offence if we have to contact them to discuss a potentially sensitive or challenging issue e.g. to discuss diet/nutrition/sleep concerns, to address concerns over a child’s social or emotional well-being. Our primary focus is only ever the health and welfare of your child and we will always seek to work proactively and supportively with parents to address potential welfare issues.